Our resident optometrist Christine has over 10 years experience. She graduated from the University of Melbourne with post-graduate therapeutic qualifications to manage various eye disorders and diseases.
These examinations include
-Prescribing, fitting and repairing spectacles.
-Binocular function testing,
-Detection of eye disease (eg. glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration)
-Diabetic eye examinations.
-Contact lens fittings.
-Children’s eye examinations
-Managing acute eye injuries or infections.
We offer Retinal Scanning, which enables earlier detection of eye disease such as glaucoma and macular degeneration. It also provides us with the ability to assess your relative risk of developing such conditions.
We provide eye tests during the week as well as Saturdays. Please call to make an appointment. You do not require a referral and we bulk bill for pensioners and health care card holders when possible.